Cryptocurrency price and Market Cap data according to CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
ETF data according to IEX cloud.
Company logos provided by the API.
Disclaimer: The price and market cap data are delayed. The delay can range from some minutes to several hours.
The Market Cap of an asset is an estimate of its total value according to its current market price. Depending on the asset type it is calculated in different ways:
Infinite Market Cap (8MarketCap) ranks the world's top assets by Market Cap, including precious metals such as Gold an Silver, public companies such as Apple and Tesla, ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) such as QQQ and the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF, and Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
We also run Companies Market Cap, a website that ranks companies by Market Cap, Earnings and Revenue and Ape Wisdom a website that tracks the trending stock and cryptocurrency mentions on reddit and WallStreetBets
For inquiries: hel(nospam)lo@8market(nospam)