Over 18,000 Assets ranked by Market Cap

As of today, the total value of all assets tracked by 8Marketcap is 139.243 T €, down -0.88% today and down -0.54% over the last 7 days. [Read more]
Key marketcap metrics:
  • Gold marketcap 0 M € up N/A today, up N/A (7 days).
  • Companies marketcap 102.834 T €, down -1.33% today, down -1.12% (7 days).
  • US traded ETF marketcap 12.332 T € down -0.09% today, down -0.08% (7 days).
  • Cryptocurrency marketcap 2.565 T € down -3.66% today, down -0.69% (7 days).
Currently the world's most valuable asset is Gold with a market cap of 0 M €. The world's most valuable company is with a market cap of 0 M €, and the world's most valuable cryptocurrency is Blaze DeFi with a market cap of 0 M €. [Read less]
# Name Symbol Market Cap Price 24h 7d Price (30 days)
favorite icon 21001
Blaze DeFi
BNFI 0 M € 0.32€ -29.76% -26.72%
favorite icon 21002
300 0 M € 620.44€ -2.58% -7.28%
favorite icon 21003
TTR 0 M € 0.55€ 0.29% -1.17%
favorite icon 21004
EOC 0 M € 0.001099€ -27.68% -31.65%
favorite icon 21005
Rootkit Finance
ROOT 0 M € 1,946€ 4.33% -6.11%
favorite icon 21006
ELD 0 M € 0.00168€ 72.21% 2.70%
favorite icon 21007
N0001 0 M € 0.01033€ -6.64% -42.84%
favorite icon 21008
OFT 0 M € 0.32€ -0.42% -8.24%
favorite icon 21009
FERRARI 0 M € 0.08579€ 0.10% 0.16%
favorite icon 21010
ZMT 0 M € 0.008221€ -1.12% -74.85%
favorite icon 21011
Utopia Genesis Foundation
UOP 0 M € 0.0988€ -5.20% -14.67%
favorite icon 21012
IndexIQ ETF Trust - IQ Hedge Macro Tracker ETF
MCRO 0 M € 23.82€ N/A N/A